Contributors (a cumulative list)
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Reem Abu-Baker (PD6) is an MFA candidate at the University of Alabama, where she is the fiction editor for Black Warrior Review. Her work is published or forthcoming in Ninth Letter, NANO Fiction, and Meridian.
EP Allan (PD3) has published poems in several countries and has won several awards, including the American Poet's Award. Also he has worked as an English instructor in Japan, Thailand and Saudi Arabia. Currently he is teaching at Milwaukee Area Technical College and maintains his own promotional website: www.epallan.com.
John Thomas Allen (PD4) is a 31 year old poet from Albany, NY. His work has appeared in The Adirondack Review, Surrealist Star Clustered Illuminations, and has two chapbooks to his name. This year he published an anthology entitled Nouveau's Midnight Sun: Transcriptions From Golgonooza and Beyond which features the work of Lee Ballentine, John Yau, and other poets.
L. N. Allen (PD4) published short stories in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, The Twilight Zone, and the Shadows series before the stories shrunk to short shorts, then to prose poems, then to lined poems. SF poems have been printed in Aiofe's Kiss, Beyond Centauri, Illumen, and Tales of the Talisman. Upcoming poems of a different genre are scheduled to appear in The Anglican Theological Review, Arts in America, and Sunstone.
Kathleen Alcalá (PD2) is the author of four works of fiction—Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist; Spirits of the Ordinary; The Flower in the Skull; and Treasures in Heaven—and a collection of essays, The Desert Remembers My Name – On Family and Writing. Her work is the recipient of a Governor’s Writers Award, the Washington State Book Award, a Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award, and a Western States Book Award, among others. Two of her stories are included in the Norton Anthology of Latino Literature. Kathleen’s parents were born in Mexico. She is from Compton, California, and grew up in San Bernardino. Kathleen lives in the Northwest and teaches creative writing. More at www.kathleenalcala.com.
Alma Alexander (PD2) was born in a country which no longer exists on the maps, has lived and worked in seven countries on four continents (and in cyberspace!), has climbed mountains, dived in coral reefs, flown small planes, swum with dolphins, touched two-thousand-year-old tiles in a gate out of Babylon. She is a novelist, anthologist and short story writer who currently shares her life between the Pacific Northwest of the USA (where she lives with her husband and two cats) and the wonderful fantasy worlds of her own imagination. You can find out more about Alma on her website (www.AlmaAlexander.com).
Zachary Amendt (PD3) is from San Bernardino, CA. His stories have been anthologized by Dzanc Books and Underground Voices.
Aaron Anstett’s (PD1) collections are Sustenance, No Accideent (the Nebraska Book Award and the Balcones Prize), and Each Place the Body’s. He served as the inaugural Pikes Peak Poet Laureate and hopes to inflict another book on the world soon.
David Axelrod (PD2) recently published a new collection of poems, Folly (Lost Horse, 2014). What Next, Old Knife? was also published by Lost Horse Press. His poems have appeared recently or are forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Florida Review, Hotel Amerika, Narrative, New Letters, River Styx, Tampa Review, among others. He is the co-director of the low-residency MFA Program at Eastern Oregon University and co-editor of basalt magazine.
Jonathan Ball (PD1) is the author of two books of poetry: Ex Machina (BookThug, 2009) and Clockfire (Coach House Books, 2010). He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Calgary, with focuses in Canadian Literature and Creative Writing. His short film Spoony B appeared on The Comedy Network, and his screenplay Way of the Samurai (co-written with David Navratil) was rewritten and directed by Joseph Novak as the independent feature film Snake River. He is the former Managing Editor of Dandelion magazine, the former film/video section editor at Filling Station, and the former short films programmer for the Gimli Film Festival. He writes the humour column Haiku Horoscopes. Visit him online at www.jonathanball.com.
Claire Bateman (PD3) has several poetry collections, most recently, Locals (Serving House Press, 2012), and Coronology (Etruscan Press, 2010).
Greg Beatty (PD6) lives with his wife and dog in Bellingham, Washington, where he tries, unsuccessfully to stay dry. He writes everything from children's books to essays about his cooking debacles. For more information on Greg's writing, visit http://www.greg-beatty.com/
Featured Artist, Alfredo Benavidez Bedoya (PD5) lives in Buenos Aires and his linocuts have garnered international acclaim winning six international and many national prizes. His work has been widely exhibited in solo and group shows around the world.
Adam Berlin (PD5) is the author of the post-9/11 novel, The Number of Missing (Spuyten Duyvil, the boxing novel, Both Members of the Club (Texas Review Press/winner of the Clay Reynolds Novella Prize), Belmondo Style (St. Martin's Press/winner of the Publishing Triangle's Ferro-Grumley Award) and Headlock (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill). His stories and poetry have appeared in numerous journals. He teaches at CUNY's John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City and co-edits the literary mag J Journal: New Writing on Justice. www.adamberlin.com
Laura Bernstein-Machlay (PD5) is an instructor in creative writing and literature at The College of Creative Studies in Detroit, MI where she also lives. Her poems and essays have appeared in many magazines including The Michigan Quarterly Review, The Alaska Quarterly Review, Poetry Northwest, etc. She has poems forthcoming in Oyez Journal and a personal essay forthcoming in The American Scholar.
Brennan Bestwick (PD6) reads and writes in the Flint Hills of Kansas. He is currently pursuing an M.A. in poetry from Kansas State University. His work has appeared in Yellow Chair Review, Word Riot, Write Bloody’s Aim for The Head anthology, and elsewhere.
Mary Lenoir Bond (PD6) attended USC where she was given The Virginia Middleton $1000 Award for her poetry. She completed her MFA in Writing/Poetry at Pacific University in 2013 She’s published online journalistic pieces about silent films and fairy tales via Spinning Platters. Her poems have been published in Rust + Moth, Silk Road, december Magazine, as well as five poems in the fall 2015 issue of Prairie Schooner. When not writing poetry she works as a freelance writer, Social Media Editor for Phantom Drift, Associate Editor/co-judge of quarterly contests for the “dark and offbeat” journal The Molotov Cocktail, and makes natural perfumes, soap, and scented jewelry she sells online.
Mohineet Kaur Boparai (PD5) is a research scholar at the Department of English, Punjabi University, Patiala in India. Her research interests include issues of subalternity and agency. She has published three books of poetry, Poems That Never Were (2007), Windows to the Ocean (2012) and Lives of my Love (2012). Her poetry has also appeared in several journal and anthologies including the coveted anthology of Indian poetry, The Dance of the Peacock (2013), The Lindenwood Review, Zymbol Magazine and Pilgrimage. Her poem "Blindness" was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She is teaching English at DAV University, Jalandhar. She lives in Moga.
James Braziel (PD4) is the author of two novels from Bantam: Birmingham, 35 Miles and Snakeskin Road. He lives in North Alabama with his wife, poet Tina Mozelle Braziel. He writes about the people and the landscapes of the region.
Matthew Broaddus (PD4) is a recent graduate of New York University's MFA creative writing program, where he was a Writers in the Public Schools Fellow. HIs poems and flash fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in LEVELER and Ghost Ocean. He lives in Virginia.
Mercer Bufter (PD4) earned an MFA from NYU and his work has been published in journals such as Measure, The Portland Review, The Potomac Review, and PBQ. He lives in Greensboro, NC.
Mary Burroughs’ (PD6) work has been previously published in Black Static, as well as the anthology Bloodchildren, edited by Nisi Shawl. She is a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers’ Workshop at UC San Diego where she was an Octavia Butler scholar and lucky enough to have been mentored by the instructors Nalo Hopkinson, Kelly Link, Geoff Ryman and Neil Gaiman. She earned an MFA from the University of Mississippi as a John & Renee Grisham Fellow in fiction.
Gray Campbell (PD5) is an emerging playwright whose work has been staged at holes-in-the-wall far away from Broadway. He teaches literature at The City University of New York, and runs a writing workshop for formerly-homeless, mentally-ill residents of a supportive housing environment in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
Emily Carnevale (PD5) is a senior at Denison University and studies Cinema and Creative Writing. A notorious slam poet, Emily writes her poems so as to provide discussion on topics that should be addressed more frequently in her community such as social injustice, prejudice, feminism, and bullying. She's president of Denison's film society, a director for the Genital Monologues, an overall artist and human being.
Electroacoustic composer Michael Chocholak (PD1) was born in New Jersey in 1951. He wrote his first composition on piano at four, and brought himself up between the ululations of short wave radio and the wailings of electric guitar, until he realized that anything was a potential instrument and began writing music based on the holistic world of sound. He has composed for film, video, graphics, dance, theatre, literature, poetry, as well as studio and live performance. His music is on CD from Triple Bath, Howski Industries, Small Doses and Echomusic and freely available on the web. He lives in Eastern Oregon with his wife, writer Misha Nogha, and together they raise Norwegian Fjord horses on their farm, Badger Sett.
Grant Clauser (PD5) lives in Hatfield, Pennsylvania. He has two books: Necessary Myths (winner of the 2013 Dogfish Head Poetry Prize) and The Trouble with Rivers (Foothhills Publishing). Poems have appeared in The American Poetry Review, Cheat River Review, Mason's Road, Superstition Review and others. He also writes about electronics, teaches poetry at Musehouse Writing Center and chases trout with a stick. His blog is www.uniambic.com.
Amanda Cockrell (PD3) is the director of the MA/MFA program in Children's Literature at Hollins University and managing editor of The Hollins Critic. She has published 10 novels, the most recent of which is What We Keep Is Not Always What Will Stay (Flux 2011), and several short works.
Rob Cook (PD4 & PD6) Rob Cook lives in New York City’s East Village. He is the author of six collections, including Asking my Liver for Forgiveness (Rain Mountain Press, 2015), Undermining of the Democratic Club (Spuyten Duyvil, 2014), Blueprints for a Genocide (Spuyten Duyvil, 2012) and Empire in the Shade of a Grass Blade (Bitter Oleander Press, 2013). Work has appeared in Asheville Poetry Review, Caliban, Fence, A cappella Zoo, Zoland Poetry, Tampa Review, Minnesota Review, Aufgabe, Caketrain, Many Mountains Moving, Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, Harvard Review, Colorado Review, Bomb (online), Sugar House Review, Mudfish, Pleiades, Versal, Weave, Wisconsin Review, Ur Vox, Heavy Feather Review, Phantom Drift, Osiris, etc.
Peter Copenhaver (PD5) lives in New York City.
Nothing is known about Richard Crow (PD1). Jonathan Ball is the guardian of the Crow archives.
Giovanni De Feo (PD5) has published in Conjunctions, Ceasecows and Goldfishgrimm. A story was recently selected by Wordpress as Editors pick for 2014. He lives in Genova, Italy.
Walt Curtis (PD6), painter, co-founder of the Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission and the unofficial Poet Laureate of Portland, has broadcast with KBOO radio on his Talking Earth program for 45 years.The central figure in Sabrina Guitart's film Salmon Poet, Walt is also author of the book Mala Noche, which inspired Gus Van Sant's first film,and a number of other books and chapbooks, founder of Out of the Ashes Press, and a true Portland legend who has read with Kesey, Ginsberg, and Burroughs. In 1996, Curtis and George the Greek, owner of Portland landmark The Satyricon, visited Casa Magni, Shelley's last residence, by sailboat, a trip which inspired this poem.
Michael Luis Dauro (PD6) is a CantoMundista living in Bloomington, Indiana. He is a Millay Colony Resident Artist, Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship finalist, and was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize for his poems in Storyscape. His work has also appeared in The Golden Key, Luna Luna Magazine, As Us, Rattle, and Sonora Review. Michael can be found at MichaelLuisDauro.com and on Twitter: @ArchpoetDauro.
Barbara Drake (PD3) is the author of a memoir, Peace at Heart: an Oregon Country Life, published by Oregon State University Press, a 1999 Oregon Book Award Finalist. Her books and chapbooks of poetry include Driving One Hundred (published in 2009 by Windfall Press), Love at the Egyptian Theatre, What We Say to Strangers, Life in a Gothic Novel, Bees in Wet Weather, and Small Favors. Her college textbook, Writing Poetry, has been in print since 1983. A Linfield College Professor Emeritus, she lives with her husband on a small farm in Yamhill County, Oregon.
Susan DeFreitas (PD3) is a writer, editor, and book coach. Her work has appeared in (or is forthcoming from) The Utne Reader, The Nervous Breakdown, Southwestern American Literature, Fourth River, Weber--The Contemporary West, and Bayou Magazine, among other publications. She holds an MFA from Pacific University and lives in Portland, Oregon, where she serves as an associate editor with Indigo Editing & Publications and a reader for Tin House Magazine.
Marissa DeGolier (PD6) is a high school student at Boulder High in Boulder, Colorado, Her piece "You Are What You Eat With" won Best in Show for the Congressional Art Competition for Jared Polis' district and will be displayed in the Capital tunnel in Washington D.C. This is her first publication.
Brian Evenson (PD1) is the author of ten books of fiction, most recently Fugue State. His other work includes Last Days, which was the recipient of the ALA/RUSA award for Best Horror Novel of 2009. A new novel, Immobility, is forthcoming in 2012 from Tor. He lives in Providence, Rhode Island and chairs Brown University’s Creative Writing Program. www.brianevenson.com
Stewart Finnegan (PD4) is a writer out of the Chicagoland area whose work has appeared in Off the Coast and the North Central Review. He has just completed his first novel and book of poetry. He is a glutton for time.
Eliot Fintushel (PD1) is a writer and performance artist. He began his performance career doing standup comedy at convocations of the Rochester Zen Center and was subsequently persuaded to become a mime. He is the author of numerous short stories and of the novel Breakfast With The Ones You Love. Eliot continues to perform solo works in theatres, schools, libraries, and community centers, and is a member of the Imaginists Theater Collective in Santa Rosa, California. He is the father of San Francisco poet Ariel Fintushel. www.fintushel.com
Laurie Foos (PD3) is the author of Ex Utero, Portrait of the Walrus by a Young Artist, Twinship, Bingo under the Crucifix, Before Elvis There was Nothing, and most recently, The Giant Baby. An excerpt of her forthcoming novel, The Blue Girl, won 2nd prize in the Italo Calvino Fiction Prize. Currently she teaches in the low residency MFA program at Lesley University and in the BFA program at Goddard College.
John Frame (PD2) has been making sculpture in Southern California since the early 1980s; his work has been exhibited extensively in the United States as well as in Europe, Japan, and China. His work can be found in more than 300 public and private collections. He has been artist in residence, visiting artist, or guest lecturer at more than 70 museums, universities, and art-related institutions around the United States. He lives and works in Wrightwood, California.
Stefanie Freele (PD1) is the author of the short story collection Feeding Strays (Lost Horse Press), a finalist in the John Gardner Binghamton University Fiction Award and the Book of the Year Award. She recently won the Glimmer Train Fiction Open Award. Her collection, While Surrounded by Water, is forthcoming from Press 53 in 2012. Her published and forthcoming fiction can be found in Glimmer Train, American Literary Review, Night Train, The Florida Review, Whitefish Review, Necessary Fiction, Smokelong Quarterly, Pank and Corium Magazine. Stefanie is the Fiction Editor of the Los Angeles Review. www.stefaniefreele.com
Jeff Friedman (PD3 & PD5) is the author of six collections of poetry, most recently, Pretenders, published by Carnegie Mellon University Press in 2014. Floating Tales, a book of pose poems, fables, and mini tales was recently accepted for publication in 2017 by Plume Editions/MadHat Press. His poems, mini-stories, and translations have appeared in many literary magazines, including American Poetry Review, Poetry, 5 AM, Agni Online, Poetry International, Prairie Schooner, Antioch Review, Quick Fiction, New England Review, 100-Word Story, Per Contra, New England Review Digital, Sentence, North American Review, Boulevard, Missouri Review, Big Bridge, Storyscape, Anthem, and The New Republic. Dzvinia Orlowsky's and his translation of Memorials
Wade German (PD1) is an Canadian-American writer who has been living in Europe since 2001. His poems have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Rhysling Award, and have appeared widely in the U.S. small press and in Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and UK publications. His work has also received honorable mention in Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year, Volume 2. He works in broadcast journalism, writing international news.
Jeannine Hall Gailey (PD2 & PD3) is the Poet Laureate of Redmond, Washington, and the author of Becoming the Villainess (Steel Toe Books, 2006) and She Returns to the Floating World (Kitsune Books, 2011). Her third book, Unexplained Fevers, is forthcoming from New Binary Press this spring. Her work has been featured on NPR’s The Writer’s Almanac, Verse Daily, and in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror. Her poems have appeared in journals such as The Iowa Review, American Poetry Review, and Prairie Schooner. She volunteers as an editorial consultant for Crab Creek Review. Her web site is www.webbish6.com.
Chris Gavaler's (PD2, PD3, PD4 & PD6) short fiction appears in over three dozen journals, including New England Review, Prairie Schooner, and Hudson Review. His novels Pretend I’m Not Here (2002) and School for Tricksters (2011) were published by HarperCollins and Southern Methodist University Press, and his non-fiction On the Origin of Superheroes (2015) by the University of Iowa Press. He earned his M.F.A. at the University of Virginia and is an assistant professor of English at Washington and Lee University.published a novel in stories, School for Tricksters, (Southern Methodist University Press, 2013). His mass market paperback, Pretend I’m Not Here, was published by Harper Collins in 2002. His other fiction appears in over three dozen national publications, including Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, Witness, Hudson Review, and Best American Fantasy. He earned an MFA from the University of Virginia and teaches creative writing at Washington & Lee University.
Carolyn Ives Gilman (PD1) has twice been a finalist for the Nebula Award. Her first novel, Halfway Human, was called “one of the most compelling explorations of gender and power in recent SF” by Locus magazine. Her second, Isles of the Forsaken, came out in August 2011. Her short fiction has appeared in Fantasy and Science Fiction, The Year’s Best Science Fiction, Bending the Landscape, Interzone, Universe, Full Spectrum, and Realms of Fantasy. In her professional career, Gilman is a historian specializing in 18th-and early 19th-century North American history, particularly frontier and Native history. She lives in St. Louis and works for the Missouri History Museum as a historian and curator.
Dennis Y. Ginoza (PD2) is a graduate of Pacific University's MFA in Writing program and the 2011 Clarion Writers' Workshop. He lives on the Kitsap Peninsula of Washington State.
Joyce Goldenstern (PD2) lives in Chicago and enjoys writing fiction inspired by and adapted from folktales. Her work has appeared in Western Humanities Review, North American Review, Hurricane Alice, and Oyez Review, among others.
Jessica Goody (PD6) writes for SunSations Magazine and The Bluffton Sun. Her book, Defense Mechanisms is available from Phosphene Press. Her work has also appeared in numerous publications and anthologies, including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Broad!, Spectrum, Barking Sycamores, HeART, Gravel, PrimalZine, Kaleidoscope, Open Minds Quarterly, and Wordgathering. She was awarded second place in the 2015 Reader’s Digest Poetry Competition. She has cerebral palsy.
James Grabill's (PD3 & PD6) recent work is online at the Buddhist Poetry Review, Harvard Review, Terrain, Urthona (UK), Shenandoah, The Oxonian Review (UK), Stand (UK), East West Journal, The Common Review, Toronto Quarterly, Mad Hatter’s Review, Red Savina Review, Oxonian Review (UK), Plumwood Mountain (AUS), Caliban, Spittoon, Weber: The Contemporary West, and many others. His books include Poem Rising Out of the Earth (1994) and An Indigo Scent after the Rain (2003), both from Lynx House Press. Wordcraft of Oregon has published his new project of environmental prose poems, Sea-Level Nerve: Book One, 2014 (available online -http://www.0s-1s.com/poetry-shelves/sea-level-nerve), Book Two, 2015 (now available). A long-time Oregon resident, he teaches 'systems thinking' and global issues relative to sustainability.
Daniel Grandbois (PD1) is the award-winning author of the story collection Unlucky Lucky Days (BOA Editions, 2008); the art novel The Hermaphrodite: An Hallucinated Memoir (Green Integer, 2010), illustrated by Alfredo Benavidez Bedoya; and the omnibus collection Unlucky Lucky Tales (forthcoming 2012, Texas Tech University Press), illustrated by Fidel Sclavo. His work appears in many journals and anthologies, including Conjunctions, Boulevard, Mississippi Review, and Fiction. As well, he plays in three of the pioneering bands of The Denver Sound: Slim Cessna’s Auto Club, Tarantella, and Munly. www.brothersgrandbois.com
Peter Grandbois (PD1, PD4 & PD5) is the author of the novels, The Gravedigger and Nahoonkara, a memoir, The Arsenic Lobster: A Hybrid Memoir, the story collection, Domestic Disturbances, and three double novella monster features, Wait Your Turn/The Stability of Larger Systems, The Glob Who Girdled Granville/The Secret Lives of Actors and The Girl on the Swing/At Night iin Crumbling Voices. His essays, plays and short stories have appeared in numerous journals. He is an associate editor at Boulevard magazine and teaches at Denison University in Ohio. He is a fiction co-editor for Phantom Drift. He can be reached at www.brothersgrandbois.com
Gail Griffin (PD2) lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her poetry has appeared in such places as Calyx, New Delta Review, Kalliope, Passages North, The Prose Poem, Contemporary Michigan Poetry: Poems from the Third Coast, and September 11, 2001: American Writers Respond. Her poem “War Stories” won the 2006 Lois Cranston Prize. Her essays and brief nonfiction have appeared in Third Coast, Fourth Genre, Fresh Water: Women Writing the Great Lakes, and Jo’s Girls. She is the author of three volumes of nonfiction, the most recent of which is The Events of October: Murder-Suicide on a Small Campus.
Robert Guffey’ (PD2) authored the nonfiction book, Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory As Art Form, published by TrineDay in May of 2012. His first book of fiction, a collection of novellas entitled Spies & Saucers, came out from PS Publishing in 2013. Forthcoming short stories include “The Couch” in Pearl #46 and “Selections From The Expectant Mother Disinformation Handbook” in Postscripts #30/31. His website is www.cryptoscatology.com
Thomas Alan Holmes (PD5), a member of the East Tennessee State University English faculty, lives and writes in Johnson City, Tennessee. Some of his work has appeared in Louisiana Literature, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Appalachian Heritage, The Connecticut Review, The Appalachian Journal, The Florida Review, Blue Mesa Review, The Black Warrior Review, The North American Reivew, Cape Rock Journal, and The Southern Poetry Anthology VI: Tennessee, with poems forthcoming in Seminary Ridge Review and Still: The Journal.
Allegra Hyde (PD4) is currently pursuing an MFA at Arizona State University, where she also serves as prose editor for Hayden’s Ferry Review. Her short stories and essays appear in North American Review, Ninth Letter, Bellevue Literary Review, Passages North, Southwest Review, and elsewhere. She curates similes at www.allegrahyde.com
Donald Illich (PD6) has published poetry in The Iowa Review, Fourteen Hills, and Cold Mountain Review. He won Honorable Mention in the Washington Prize book contest.
Nazifa Islam (PD6) grew up in Novi, Michigan. Her poetry and paintings have appeared in Anomalous Press, Flashquake, The Fat City Review, and Kindred Magazine among other publications, and her debut poetry collection Searching for a Pulse (2013) was released by Whitepoint Press. She earned her MFA at Oregon State University. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram at @nafoopal.
Satoshi Iwai (PD6) was born and lives in Kanagawa, Japan. He writes poems in English and in Japanese. His English work has appeared in Heavy Feather Review, RHINO, Small Po[r]tions, Your Impossible Voice, Poetry Is Dead, and elsewhere.
Anna Lea Jancewicz (PD5) lives in Norfolk, Virginia, where she homeschools her children and haunts the public libraries. She is an Associate Editor at Night Tuna, and her writing has appeared or is forthcoming at Atticus Review, Cease Cows, Hobart, Wyvern Lit, and many other venues. Her flash fiction "Marriage" was chosen for The Best Small Fictions 2015. She is now working on her first novel. Yes, you CAN say Jancewicz: Yahnt-SEV-ich. More at: annajancewicz.wordpress.com
Charles Jensen (PD6) is the author of The Nanopedia Quick-Reference Pocket Lexicon of Contemporary American Culture (2012 MiPOESIAS Chapbook Series) and The First Risk, which was published in 2009 by Lethe Press and was a finalist for the 2010 Lambda Literary Award. His previous chapbooks include Living Things, which won the 2006 Frank O’Hara Chapbook Award, and The Strange Case of Maribel Dixon (New Michigan Press, 2007). A past recipient of an Artist’s Project Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts, his short fiction has appeared in Bloom, and his poetry has appeared in American Poetry Review, Field, The Journal, New England Review, and Prairie Schooner. He works as the managing editor at the Colburn School, a leading performing arts school, and lives in Los Angeles.
John Phillip Johnson (PD6) has poetry in or forthcoming from Rattle, Asimov's, F&SF, Pedestal, Strange Horizons, Apex, Southern Poetry Review, Word Riot, and elsewhere, including Ted Kooser's newspaper column, "American Life in Poetry." He has a comic book of graphic poetry, currently nominated for an Elgin. Sample at Rattle.com.
Matt Jones (PD3) is a MFA candidate in fiction at the University of Alabama. I have published previous works in Paper Darts, Hoot Review, Forty Ounce Bachelors, and Zenfri's Warpaint Anthology.
Toshiya Kamei (PD2) holds an MFA in Literary Translation from the University of Arkansas. His translations include Liliana Blum's The Curse of Eve and Other Stories (2008), Naoko Awa's The Fox's Window and Other Stories (2010), and Espido Freire's Irlanda (2011).
Michael Keenan (PD5) received his MFA in Literary Arts from Brown University. His first chapbook, Two Girls, was published by Say No Press in 2009, and his first book, Translations On Waking In An Italian Cemetery, was released by A-Minor Press in June of 2014. He was nominated for a Puschart Prize in 2011 and was chosen by C.D. Wright to be featured in the PEN Poetry Series. His writing has appeared in Verse Daily, Fence, Posit, Chronopolis, Alice Blue Review, Shampoo, NYQ Reviews, Paul Revere’s Horse, Caketrain, A-Minor Magazine, Inter|rupture, Arsenic Lobster, Word For/Word, and Flag + Void, among others, and is forthcoming in Poetry International. Michael doesn’t live anywhere near Brooklyn, New York.
Steve Klepetar's (PD6) work has received several nominations for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. His latest collections include My Son Writes a Report on the Warsaw Ghetto and The Li Bo Poems (both forthcoming from Flutter Press).
Iryna Klishch is a young emerging writer. She hopes her words find you.
Zoltán Komor (PD3) is a 26 year old writer, artist and editor and from Hungary. He writes surreal short stories and poems. His first book, a novel titled Mesék Kaptárvárosból (Tales from Hive City) was published in 2010. A forthcoming book includes surreal poetry will be coming out from Napkút Kiadó. He is the editor of Katapult Kortárs Alkotói Oldal (www.katapult.tk), a site that focuses on neoavantgarde and postmodern literature, abstract paintings and electronic, mostly experimental music. He has recently begun to translate some of his works to English.
Thomas E. Kennedy (PD1) has publsihed over 25 books including the novels Falling Sideways (Bloomsbury 2011) and In the Company of Angels (Bloomsbury 2010), which was chosen by Jonathan Yardley in The Washington Post as his favorite novel of that year. Yardley also wrote that “Falling Sideways is that rarest of commodities in American literary fiction, a novel about men and women at work; it is part-satire and part-drama, and it is very smart.” In 2012 New American Press published his New & Selected Stories, 1982-2012. www.thomasekennedy.com
Timothy Kercher (PD2) has spent the last six years overseas—four years in Georgia and two in Ukraine—and is now moving back to his home in Dolores, Colorado. He continues to translate contemporary poetry from the Republic of Georgia. He is a high school English teacher and has worked in five countries overseas—Mongolia, Mexico, and Bosnia being the others. His poems and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Crazyhorse, Versal, Plume, upstreet, Bateau, The Minnesota Review and others.
Jennifer Lynn Krohn (PD6) was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she currently lives with her husband. She earned her MFA from the University of New Mexico, and she currently teaches English at Central New Mexico Community College. Jennifer is a member of the Dirt City Writers. She has published work in Río Grande Review, Prick of the Spindle, In the Garden of the Crow, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and Gingerbread Literary Magazine among others.
Stephen Langlois’ work (PD5) has appeared in or is forthcoming from Glimmer Train, The Portland Review, Weave Magazine, Gigantic Sequins, Necessary Fiction, decomP, Burrow Press Review, Juked, and Big Lucks, among other places. www.stephenmlanglois.com
Nate Liederbach (PD2) is a Ph.D. candidate in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Utah. He is the author of the story collection Doing a Bit of Bleeding (Ghost Road Press) and has served as Managing Editor of Western Humanities Review. His work has appeared in Mississippi Review, Keyhole, Versal, South Dakota Review, LA Review, and Best New Poets 2011.
Rebecca Lilly' (PD2, PD3, PD4 & PD5) has publshed two recent haiku collections from Red Moon Press: Yesterday's Footprints (2012), and Elements of a Life (2014). She has prose poems in recent or forthcoming issues of Hotel Amerika and The Iowa Review. Her author's website is: www.RebeccaLilly.com
Christopher Linforth (PD2) is the editor of The Anthem Guide to Short Fiction (Anthem Press, 2011). He also has work published or forthcoming in The MacGuffin, Denver Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, Permafrost, Chicago Quarterly Review, Camas, and other literary journals. He maintains a website at christopherlinforth.wordpress.com
Rebecca Macijeski (PD4) has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Clackamas Literary Review, Lullwater Review, The Salon, Border Crossing, Fourteen Hills, Whiskey Island, and Fickle Muses. She is a graduate of the MFA program at Vermont College of Fine Arts, and currently serves as the assistant poetry editor for Hunger Mountain. She is studying toward a PhD in poetry at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln, where she is an assistant editor in poetry for Prairie Schooner. Three of her poems were chosen as winners of a 2012 Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Prize. She has been awarded artist residencies with The Ragsdale Foundation and Art Farm Nebraska.
Chris Mars (PD3) is a "self-taught" artist who lives and works in Minneapolist, Minnesota. His works are held by and/or featured by a number of art museums, as well as public and private institutions. His debut monograph, Tolerance, was published in 2008. An awarded filmmaker, Mars' narratives have screened at many festivals including Sundance, SXSW, Chicago International Film Festival, Starz Denver International Film Festival and prestigious museums including New York's Museum of Modern Art. www.chrismarspublishing.com
Helen Marshall (manuscriptgal.com) (PD2) is an author, editor, and self-proclaimed bibliophile. Her collection of poetry, Skeleton Leaves, “[took] the children’s classic, [stripped] away the flesh, and [revealed] the dark heart of Peter Pan beating beneath.” The books was jury-selected for the Preliminary Ballot of the Bram Stoker Award for excellence in Horror, nominated for a Rhysling Award for Science Fiction Poetry and shortlisted for an Aurora Award for best Canadian speculative poem. She has publsihed in a range of magazines including The Chiaroscuro, Paper Crow, Abyss & Apex, the long-running Tesseracts series and an anthology of Lovecraftian horror. Her collection, Hair Side, Flesh Side, was released in November 2012
Jeffrey H. MacLachlan (PD4) also has recent or forthcoming work in New Ohio Review, The Minnesota Review, Clay Bird Review, among others. He can be followed on Twitter @jeffmack.
Susannah Mandel’s short fiction and poetry have appeared in venues including Strange Horizons, The Future Fire, and Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet. Her background is in literature, media studies, and education. She has lived in Boston, Philadelphia, France, and Japan. She is currently based in Southeast Asia.
Kailyn McCord (PD4) has previously published at The Believer (2010), The Rumpus (2010), The Healing Muse (2011), Tahoe Blues (2012), BlazeVOX (2013), and Daily Science Fiction (2013). She lives in New Orlean, Louisiana.
John McKever (PD6) earned a BA in English from Northern Arizona University in 2012, writes a lot, and is angling for an MFA programs in fiction in the near future. He has published very little—an essay in PopMatters and a flash fiction in GUTFIRE—though he is always working hard to get his fiction out into the light of day. He lives in Austin, Texas.
Joshua McKinney (PD1 & PD4) is the author of three books of poetry: Saunter, co-winner of the University of Georgia Press Open Competition and The Novice Mourner, recipient of the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize from Bear Star Press. His collection, Mad Cursive was published by Wordcraft of Oregon in 2012. His recent work appears in the current or forthcoming issues of New American Writing, New Ohio Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Ping Pong, VOLT, and other journals. He teaches literature and creative writing at California State University, Sacramento. More about Joshua at: www.joshuamckinneypoet.com
Charles McLeod (PD3) has won a Pushcart Prize and an Iowa Review Fiction Award, and appeared in publications including Alaska Quarterly Review, Conjunctions, CutBank, The Gettysburg Review, Hayden's Ferry Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and the recent Norton anthology Fakes.
Mary McMyne (PD2 & PD5) is a writer and poet living in northern Michigan. Her poems, stories, and essays have appeared or will soon in Ninth Letter, Southern Humanities Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Los Angeles Review, New Delta Review, Word Riot, Pedestal Magazine, Apex Magazine, and many other venues. Her fiction retelling myths and folklore has won the Faulkner Prize for a Novel in Progress, a Sustainable Arts Foundation Promise Award, and second place in the Marguerite McGlinn National Prize for Fiction. A graduate of New York University, she teaches creative writing and co-edits the journal Border Crossing at Lake Superior State University. Her poetry chapbook, Wolf Skin, is available from Dancing Girl Press. Learn more at www.marymcmyne.com
Pushcart nominee Bruce McRae (PD5) is a Canadian musician with over 900 poems published internationally, including Poetry.com and The North American Review. His first book, The So-Called Sonnets, is available via Silenced Press and Amazon. To see and hear more poems go to ‘BruceMcRaePoetry’ on YouTube.
David Memmott (PD1 & PD2) is managing editor of Phantom Drift. His latest collection of poems, Lost Transmissions, (Serving House Books) was a 2014 finalist for the Eric Hoffer Award in poetry. His narrative poem, “Where the Yellow Brick Road Turns West,” was a finalist for the 2010 Spur Award from Western Writers of America. The Larger Earth was selected as one of 150 best poetry books for 150 years of Oregon statehood by Poetry Northwest and Oregon State Library. He is a Fishtrap Fellow, Playa resident, and recipient of three Fellowships for Publishing from Literary Arts, Inc.,, and lives in La Grande, Oregon.
The work of Australian artist Damian Michaels (PD4) has been shown in group exhibitions throughout the U.S., Europe and Australia as well as solo shows in Australia, Germany, U.S. and France. He is the editor of Art Visionary magazine.
Alise Miller (PD5) is from Amelia, Ohio, and is currently an undergraduate at Denison University. She is an English Creative Writing major and Spanish minor. She writes fiction and has recently gained an interest in Prose Poetry and Flash Fiction. This is her first published story
M.V. Montgomery (PD3) is a professor at Life University in Atlanta. His most recent book is a collection of poetry and experimental fiction titled The Island of Charles Foster Kane.
They lyric essays and flash fiction of Susan Morehouse (PD4) have appeared or are appearing in NOR, New South, Beloit Fiction Journal, Apalachee Review, and The Southern Review. She teaches creative writing at Alfred University in western New York, where she also directs the Young Writer’s Institute.
John Morrison (PD2, PD5 & PD6) was one of five finalists for the 2008 Oregon Book Award in Poetry for his first book, Heaven of the Moment. His poems have appeared in the Seattle Review, Cimarron Review, Poet Lore, and GoodFoot. Most recently, his poems have appeared in Spillway, Cider Press Review and RHINO.
Joe L. Murr (PD1) has lived on every continent except Antarctica. He currently divides his time between Finland and the Netherlands. His fiction has been published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, ChiZine, Dark Recesses, and other publications.
Gregg Murray (PD4, PD5) lives in Atlanta, where he is Assistant Professor of English at Georgia Perimeter College. He has poems recent or forthcoming in DIAGRAM, Caketrain, [PANK], Berkeley Poetry Review, New South, Phantom Drift, and elsewhere. His recent chapbook “Ceviche” is available from Spittoon Press. In addition to his poetic output, Gregg holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Minnesota. Please visit his website for more information, including links to published essays, reviews, and scholarship (www.gregorykirkmurray.com).
Kristine Ong Muslim (PD5) has authored several books, most recently We Bury the Landscape (Queen’s Ferry Press, 2012) and Grim Series (Popcorn Press, 2012). A poetry collection, Lifeboat, is forthcoming from the University of Santo Tomas Publishing House, a university press based in the Philippines. Her stories and poems were published by the likes of Boston Review, Confrontation Magazine, New Welsh Review, and Sou'wester. She serves as poetry editor for LONTAR: The Journal of Southeast Asian Speculative Fiction, a literary journal published by Epigram Books in Singapore.
Marx Myth: (PD6) “Along the way I came up with a term to describe this mercurial montage method ‘Cracker-Barrel Surrealism’… What does all that mean? I feel despite my traditional academic education, my artistic path has always been derived from my own invention. As a ‘Cracker-barrel Surrealist’ my strongest affinity is with low-brow kitsch with a twist of hallucinogenic whimsy. All creative endeavors fascinate me…but, especially phantasmagoric visions, comics with preposterously strange sensibilities, or any art with an out-of-kilter sense of humor!”