Rewiring the Weird

"The term weird is ultimately derived from the Old English term wyrd, sometimes defined as 'fate,' but most likely to mean 'that which happens.' Every piece in Phantom Drift takes 'that which happens' and weirds it--questions it, plumbs its depths, and rewires it so it stands out more sharply. And so we may say to the Weird Sisters, as does Macbeth:
'Speak, I charge you.'"
-- Martha Bayless, Fiction Co-Editor
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Chris Mars
Zachary Amendt
Amanda Cockrell
Laurie Foos
Chris Gavaler
Matt Jones
Charles McLeod
Julia Patt
Sofia Samatar
Marge Simon
Graham Tugwell
EP Allan
Claire Bateman
Barbara Drake
Jeff Friedman
Jeannine Hall Gailey
James Grabill
Zoltán Komor
Rebecca Lilly
MV Montgomery
Mark Reed Russell
Peter Sears
Anja Notanja Sieger
Noel Sloboda
Laura Winter
Changming Yuan
Martha Bayless (Intro)
Susan DeFreitas
Chris Mars
Matt Schumacher
Anja Notanja Sieger
Don Webb
Leslie What