The Impression of Irreducible Strangeness
October 2016

“A touchstone of the fantastic is the impression of irreducible strangeness,” Roger Caillois opined in his 1965 classic, Au Coeur du Fantastique…Caillois acknowledges the fantastic as a transgressive amusement whose supernatural elements “disrupt the stability of a world whose laws were hitherto strict and immutable. They constitute the Impossible, unexpectedly arising in a world that by definition excludes the Impossible”—a duality you will also witness often in the pages of Phantom Drift.
-- Matt Schumacher, from his introduction
Cover art: "still a tadpole, already a frog"
by Irene Hardtwicke Olivieri
Cover design by Krstin Summers, redbat design
ISBN: 978-0-9964426-1-9
ISSN: 2162-8211
172 pgs. 7.5 X 9.25, perfectbound
$15 US Postage paid, media book US only.
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Samples from Next Issue
As we accept contributions for PD6, we will post some samples here.
"Yes, We Are Duly Concerned with Calamitous Events" fiction by Keith Rosson
"An Upward Reflected Grunt" fiction by Jason Namey
Reem Abu-Baker
Mary Burroughs
Chris Gavaler
Charles Jensen
John McKever
Susannah Mandel
Jason Namey
Keith Rosson
Kellie Wells
Tom Weller
Charles Wilkinson
Brennan Bestwick
Mary Lenoir Bond
Walt Curtis
Rob Cook
Michael Luis Dauro
Jessica Goody
James Grabill
Donald Illich
Nazifa Islam
Satoshi Iwai
John Phillip Johnson
Steve Klepetar
Iryna Klishch
Jennifer Lynn Krohn
Elizabeth O’Brien
Sarah Paley
Samuel Piccone
dan raphael
David Russomano
John W. Sexton
Kimberly Simms
Jessica Van de Kemp
Sarah Ann Winn
John Yohe
Art Zilleruelo
Greg Beatty
John Morrison
Matt Schumacher
Marissa DeGolier
Mark Myth
Tai Taeoalii
Irene Hardwicke Olivieri