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Valuable Estrangements

"This is a wonderful magazine, an awesome one-full of wonder, with some (lots of) awe...not a magazine to be taken lightly, but it sparkles with light of many kinds. I'll subscribe in an instant."

--Julie J. Nichols, NEW PAGES (Feb. 2013) READ FULL REVIEW




John Frame



Kathleen Alcalá
Alma Alexander
Chris Gavaler
Dennis Ginoza
Joyce Goldenstern
Gail Griffin
Robert Guffey
Nate Liederbach
Christopher LInforth
James O'Brien
Amélie Olaiz, trans. Toshiya Kamei
Jessica Reisman
Bruce Holland Rogers
Care Santos, trans. Lawrence Schimel
John Brown Spiers
Adrian Stumpp



David Axelrod
Jeannine Hall Gailey
Tim Kercher
Rebecca Lilly
Helen Marshall
Mary McMyne
John Morrison
Jacob Rakovan
Lorraine Schein
Elizabeth Schumacher
Peter Sears
Noel Sloboda
Mathias Svalina
Eric Vithalani



John Frame
Robert Guffey
David Memmott
Lance Olsen
Nico Vassilakis
Leslie What

"Phantom Drift continues the ongoing exploration of the genre that isn't, blurring the margins between what is known and what is unknowable, revealing the strangeness of the world, and allowing us to glimpse what might otherwise remain hidden, mysterious, unexplainable, terrifying." -- Leslie What, Fiction Editor
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​"'Valuable Estrangements' [describes] a type of leave-taking especially charactistic of New Fabulist writing, that dreamy, yet substantial artistic excursion whose estrangements can both entrance and subvert, [and] might be so valuable as to help us reinvent, reivigorate, and even rediscover our lives."

-- Matt Schumacher, Poetry Editor

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